
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Baby love me cuz I'm playing on the radio...

How do you like me now?

Hello, lovely human beings. Some of you may be aware that I write things. Generally these things embody wry cynicism or more typically, the soul-consuming angst most people experience throughout their 20s. And 30s and maybe 40s if they’re really lucky. Very occasionally I also string together words with internal rhyme schemes, cohesive imagery, and some sort of underlying message. I call these words “poems” but really they’re very short blog posts with a lot of alliteration.

This past Monday night KBOO radio (90.7 FM, for all you local yahoos) invited me to share said words with the public. I like to imagine I spent the evening sitting in a room with friends, talking into an unplugged microphone, pretending to be famous.

Realistically I read poetry on a local FM radio. Started from the bottom now we here, am I right? For those of you who thought eating/sleeping/having sex were more important than my words: you were probably right, good call. But my lovely cohorts were definitely worth listening to. So! Without further ado:

KBOO Talking Earth: Brenda Taulbee, Leah Rainer, Joy Pearson

P.S. Please disregard the five minutes of cow bell and didgeridoo leading up to our set?

Xoxoxo, beezies.


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