
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sugar, We're Going Down Swinging

Hello kittens! 

Tonight was election night. I hope you were all good citizens and actively participated in the electoral process. I failed, mostly because I’ve been supremely apathetic the last month or so. I barely mustered the energy to clip my toenails. Registering to vote was out of the question. As a result of my non-participation I had to buy Lucy lunch. I’m not complaining though, things appear to have turned out just fine without me.

Recently, the hot topics at the Boulevard have been politics and pregnancy, both of which I try to avoid. So I obvs spent 6 hours researching kale in an attempt to avoid all conversation. You guys, kale is a super food! Did you know it’s full of Vitamin K and iron? Did you know it only costs $1.39 per bunch and is super filling? I want to eat it for every meal. I also learned that hemp hearts are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and I might live to be one million years old if I start eating more broccoli.

This healthy food kick stems from an article I read last week discussing sugar consumption, alcoholism and depression. As most of you know, I’m currently a desk surfer. The beginning of October meant staring down a tub of bite-sized chocolate bars eight hours a day, five days a week. Keep in mind I’m not generally a sweets person. I’ll eat a bag of potato chips in approximately one minute, but candy has never held the same appeal. Until the phones start ringing off the hook and the doctors are yelling about missing charts and the clients somehow believe you personally caused their dog to consume an entire box of allergy medication. Then those candy bars start to look like little bites of straight dopamine.

Just one more Milky Way...
I’m not proud of my actions, but I’d say I’ve been averaging about five butterfingers and three snickers a day. Plus the random sliver of ice cream cake, or pumpkin spice cupcake with my lunch. So I decided to cold turkey refined sugars.

You guys, this shit is hard! Today was my second full sugar-free day, and I was a basket case. I felt rundown, cranky and battled some wicked cravings. Before today I’ve never felt the urge to shove at least ten candy bars into my mouth at one time. But the fact that this is all so hard confirms my suspicions: I’m an addict. Only my addiction is socially acceptable, which makes it even harder to kick. Please bear with me. I’m hoping by the one week mark the desire to tear my own face off will subside.

On a completely unrelated note: I’ve spent a lot of time recently trying to decide how I’ll wrap up my recaps. A-Camp happened almost two months ago, and I’m still trying to organize my thoughts. All I have left to say is this: I left that mountain feeling capable of achieving. I felt quiet and capable, like I’d just survived a particularly grueling yoga session; I was centered. My problems were still the same, I was still the same me with the same regrets, but they seemed somehow more manageable. And I guess that’s really all there is to say about it.

A-Camp didn’t change my life, but it showed me my life isn’t beyond changing. I met my heroes, and they turned out to be real human beings, which only makes them that much more heroic. I made new friends and remembered that I’m capable of being a social creature even if that’s not my default setting. Better yet, I learned it’s ok that social isn’t my default setting. I’m not the only introverted weirdo who would rather ogle cat pictures than go clubbing. Most importantly, I found other people who understand my obscure Buffy references. 

Speaking of Buffy, did you know this is a thing that happened? Aren’t you glad?

So here I am. Everything has changed and everything is the same and I still have no idea what I’m doing. But I think that’s ok. I can feed myself and pay my bills and I’ve kept a kitten alive for two years now. I read books and smoke cigars and watch too much Netflix. In the end I just need to remember--

I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.

It’s raining in Portland, and somewhere someone is celebrating the election results with fireworks. Tomorrow at the Boulevard the hot topics will still be politics and pregnancy, and I’ll do my best to avoid chocolate and confrontation. Please be kind to yourselves, I need each and every one of you.

Sweet dreams, you lovable weirdos.


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